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My Best Friend's Brother Pt 5

We arrived at school early enough to hang out in the courtyard with the other students. For everyone else, I suppose my outfit looked normal, but I felt bared to everyone, and Brandon knew it. I was pretty modest in general. I was told to trail Brandon everywhere he went, and meet him in between each class. But luckily for me we had a different lunch hour, so I would be able to sit with my friends. The day went fine, got a few comments on my “pretty legs” from the older boys in the hallway. Met Brandon between classes. Then...


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My Wife My Hooker Part 4

I walk out of the bedroom and walk into the livingroom. Jay is sitting on the couch with a bag next to him. Hey Jay, damn your wife is a slut, what the hell is that about I know, i wasn't suppose to let anyone know. Well I know and Amiee knows, she just ate my cum out of Amiee's ass. Are you serious? Ya, where were you, I could have used some help? I was told to wait in the livingroom with her stuff. That isn't the way it works tonight. I let her know the rules for tonight. If...


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The Wedding Surprise

It is July 24, 2014. Nora and I are attending Lenora’s friend Laura’s daughter’s wedding at a local hotel and catering hall. Nora is a mature brunette, about 5’ 3”, with an average build and shoulder length dark brown hair. She is dressed in an all-black, knee-high dress, with black stockings and black open toe pumps. She has always been the Alpha personality in the relationship. I’m just an average guy with dark brown hair. I’m dressed in a light gray suit. I’m the follower in the family. The wedding is the usual thing. It’s a boisterous party atmosphere in a...


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It was dark. It was raining. I was tired. I was also nervous. I considered calling the whole thing off, but it was too late now. She was waiting. I peered through the rain spattered windshield, between the squeaking wipers in a vain attempt to make out the names written on the overhead street signs. I really should get some glasses, I muttered to myself as my eyes squinted to see through the driving rain. This was the first time I would be meeting a girl off the internet. And although we had been exchanging emails regularly and even talked on...


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Sex with a man for the first time

My sex with a man – the first time. It had been a long week of sales calls, it was Thursday night and one more day to go before heading home. I had taken a hotel in the middle of the city, most central to my customers, on a quiet side street. For years, when travelling alone, I've had a little private ceremony, celebrating myself. Tonight I needed a pick up before venturing out for dinner. My trusty dildo was in the bag. I rinsed my rear with my water bulb, lubed myself and proceeded to have anal sex, all on...


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The Matriarchy - Mrs Mckenzie

I'm a 51 year old, English, divorced mother of 2 and wasnt completely on board with the Matriarchy Regime at the onset. But at that time, I had no idea how much power one could have by changing the simple act of a sexual outlook. It was only 6 months ago that I really got into it. Being divorced, back to work, promotions and more disposable income than I'd ever had before, I hadn't had time to think about using my new toy. At the dawn of the matriarchal takeover, every girl over 18 recieved a female friendly (orgasm giving) strapon...


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Angie's big date_(0)

Shaina was excited for her date. For the first time in a few years, she was going to go out with another girl. Until recently, there was a very jealous boyfriend who Shaina didn't really want to talk about, but that was over now. She looked at herself in the mirror: Her mousey brown hair was still unmanageable, her skin still a fair white with a few blemishes here and there, breasts and butt still good-looking but nothing amazing. She looked the spitting image of the good Jewish girl her parents wished she was. Shaina was just going to meet Angie...


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Fulfilling Her Fantasy

I watched her from the window. She had just gotten home and was getting out of her car. Up the drive she walked, in seconds she would be at the front door. Seconds later she was in the house. I knew her routine: leave the house at 6 am, home at 5:30 pm, shower, dinner, tv, bed. Without fail, every night. She didn’t have a husband, no boyfriend, no pets even, this lady was a shut in…which was perfect for me. See I had plans for her. I heard the front door shut from her upstairs bedroom. I softly made my...


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