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Foot or shoe fetish

Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3: Part 5

I awoke to the soft lyrics of my phone’s alarm, my eyes quickly realizing that I was in in my son’s room. Because of the few bottles of beer, Charles’ snoring was louder than usual last night, and by 3:30 I had given up altogether, sneaking into Chris’ for some shut eye. I had purposefully set the alarm for 7:45, just to make sure I woke up before my husband. I might’ve enjoyed cuckolding Charles by kissing and touching his son in front of him, but I didn’t quite want him to know Chris and I were doing far more than...


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Pleeky Blinds Her: Chapter One

Pleeky Blinds Her: Chapter 1 So ever since I was little, I had this dream, or fantasy more so of how I always wanted to go to college. That lifestyle where no fucks are given, all I do is hookup with young teenage girls, and party. Which, at the time, and still to this day sounds amazing. But I never thought I would actually get a chance at fulfilling every single one of those fantasies. Throughout my life I hated school, I still do. Regardless of myself being "smart" or "athletic" I honestly hate being there and I don't want any...


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Dare into a relationship pt.3

It was Saturday morning and the sun was shining into our room. I looked to the side and I could see my beautiful girlfriend sleeping next to me, and the memories of last night started to come back, which got me super horny. This brought an idea to my mind, to start the morning with one of the things she wanted to try. I took the bed sheets from over her and started to kiss her feet. “Hmm baby, nice way to wake up…” she smiled at me with her eyes semi-open “I thought I start your day by worshipping your...


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