Rahul and Sapna Ch. 2 :- Sapna takes a beating.

Rahul and Sapna Ch. 2 :- Sapna takes a beating.

Rahul and Sapna Ch. 2 :- Sapna takes a beating.

Rahul has accepted his mother's gift; This is the beginning of the end for Sapna

Disclaimer: This a work of complete fantasy set in another world. If that is not apparent to you, then you need urgent psychiatric help. I do not condone violence towards other humans.

This story contains all manners of violence, torture and deviancies, if that is not your cup of tea, I suggest you turn back now.

Tags: m/F, bdsm, inc, sad, scat, snuff, tort, ws, cons, rom, humil


After mother and son had said their final goodbyes, Rahul seemed to turn into a different person entirely.

“Well mom, it looks like your days of sucking your own son’s cock, has come to an end, huh?” he teased her, knowing that she was turned on by the humiliation.

Sapna’s pale face turned to a shade of red at the jab.

“Answer me whore!” screamed Rahul, as he slapped her right cheek with all his strength, sending her sprawling on the bed.

She looked shocked for a few seconds, but quickly recovered and said “If that is what you want beta, then yes, they are over.” trying to give her son a smile.

She still hadn’t changed out of the kameez (Indian top), that she was wearing and the dupatta was still around her neck. she was wearing them from earlier, while they were having a romantic dinner earlier that night. Her salwar (Indian trousers) lay strewn across the couch in the other room, leaving the lower part of body naked, with her sons cum slowly dripping out of her snatch and down her thighs.
Rahul took a fistful of his mom’s long hair, thus holding her head in place, he rapidly fronthanded and backhanded her pretty face until her cheeks started turning red and blue. Instinctively, Sapna tried to protect her head from the oncoming barrage. Seeing that however, made Rahul even angrier and he punched hard in her fat belly. Sapna’s belly was much larger than usual at that time, as Rahul had blocked his mother’s asshole for the last 3 days with an inflatable buttplug. Sapna doubled over, intense cramping pains assaulting her bloated tummy.

“Give me your hands, bitch!” said Rahul, positioning himself behind Sapna.

At that moment however, Sapna was experiencing a white, hot flash of pain and couldn’t respond. So, Rahul grabbed his mother’s hair and pulled her head back with all the strength he could muster. Bellowing in pain, Sapna felt as if he was going to tear her scalp off. She started pleading with Rahul to leave her hair, saying that the pain was killing her. Holding her head in place, Rahul got hold of a smaller tuft of hair at the nape of her neck and, in one swift motion, teared it out of her scalp.

“I said give me your hands bitch!” Rahul said, slowly but firmly, holding her head tight using her hair.

Sapna, obeying her son’s command, put her arms behind her back. Rahul then tied her hair to her arms with a duct tape such that, it made it impossible for her to look anywhere but straight up.
Slowly, Rahul started to pinch Sapna’s huge nipples over the salwar, resulting in an agonized shriek from her, a minute after. Rahul pulled out her right tit from over the neck space of the salwar. There were a few droplets of blood on the nipple, where Rahul’s nails had dug in the cracked skin. Rahul grabbed her nipple again, at exactly the same spot, but with even greater force this time.

Sapna started howling in pain, “It willll tttear off beta, it will TEAR...” she cried.

Rahul immediately punched her in the jaw, shutting her up. Feeling the urge to pee, Rahul grabbed the taut band of hair (between her head and her arms), and dragged Sapna off the bed, throwing her on the ground. Sapna, who was still dazed from the punch, saw Rahul’s face upside down from the floor as her locked head kept her face upside down. Rahul then kneeled down on the ground and slapped Sapna’s fat tits a couple of time to get her attention

“Mom, I am going to pee and you are going to drink it all, understand?”

Through her dazed state, Sapna managed to reply “Yes beta.” weakly.

Making Sapna kneel on the floor, Rahul put his semi erect penis in his mother’s mouth. Looking below, on his mother’s lovely face, he saw her making the most shocked face. Pinching her nose shut, Rahul started peeing down his mother’s throat.

“If you don’t drink it, u will drown and die mother.” said Rahul, but Sapna was already gulping the yellow stuff down, like there was no tomorrow.

Rahul had a lot of beer at the dinner earlier, so he had a lot of pee saved up for his thirsty whore and he ended up peeing for a full one and a half minutes straight. During the end, Sapna started coughing violently, which forced Rahul to hold her jaw open with one hand as he finished peeing.

“YOU GOD DAMN TOILET BITCH”, screamed Rahul, kicking Sapna on her exposed right breast.

Coughing violently and making horrible wrenching noises, Sapna fell on to the floor because of the kick. As soon as she hit the ground, Sapna started puking up the noodles which they had for dinner earlier along with all the urine that her son had deposited in her stomach just then. Watching this spectacle, Rahul was rock hard and he started kicking his fat mom in the gut to help speed things along.

After she was finished puking, Sapna was gasping desperately for air, noticing this, Rahul got behind her and put a tight elbow lock on his mother’s outstretched neck. In about half a minute, Sapna’s eyes rolled towards the back of her head and she passed out on the floor, lying in a mixture of her own puke and her son’s recycled pee.

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