An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia - Chapter 6

An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia - Chapter 6

Chapter Six: The Red Light

Breakfast was just what I needed. Toast, bacon, and eggs. All made with just the right seasonings. Bacon that is crisp and with a hint of brown sugar is delicious. It is easy to coat and put in the oven for a rich taste. The toast was made using a French bread cut on the bias. It was toasted lightly on both sides and then butter is smeared across one side and melted. Eggs must be slow cooked and fluffy. And with a hint of cheese adds nice flavor. Of course, I could eat plenty.

We all sat down and enjoyed the breakfast Robin made. Olivia was heading out to shop with Julie later and I was heading back to my apartment. I had some work to do and general clean up of the apartment. Then I was probably going to swim for a bit.

“Robin, everything is delicious. You have definitely perfected breakfast.”

“Mark, thank you. I am sure you could do better.”

“No, that was really well done. I think I try cooking things too fast for breakfast most of the time.”

“I am glad you liked it.” Robin said.

“Olivia, what are you and Julie going to look for today?” I asked.

“I wanted some sandals and a newer bikini. Julie was talking about getting a cover up for her swim suit and may be some hair ties. But we may find other things as well.”

“I thought your swim suit was new.”

“I got it last year and think a new one would fit better.”

“Don’t spend too much,” Robin interjected. “You need to save some of your money for the July trip.”

“I have it put aside. Besides, Uncle Mark gave me a nice present.”

“Oh, really?”

I had given Olivia only 50 dollars in addition to the necklace. Then I thought about the red light. “I wanted to ask you, Robin, about this red light I have seen in the spare room. Do you know what is causing it?”

“I am not aware of a light. Where is it located?

“It was up near the return air vent. I have seen it a couple of times but only for a second, then it disappears.”

Robin asked Olivia, “Have ever seen a red light in the spare room?”

Olivia hesitated and then said, “No.” She had a puzzled look on her face that seemed to change to concern. But then she followed up saying, “I don’t remember seeing any lights by the vent.”

“Well, I guess it will be a mystery. I may try to solve it next time I am over.”

After breakfast Olivia and I cleaned up the kitchen and then headed out to our respective activities. Julie’s mom picked up Olivia right at 10:00 and then I said good bye to Robin so she could go to work. At the apartment I took care of my cleaning. There is no need to run the dish washer more than once a week. Clothes needed to be washed. Thankfully the apartment included a small washer and dryer. In South Korea I got spoiled by having a cleaning service, again paid by the company. An added benefit was some of the cleaners enjoyed a little extra money on the side. They would do a few extra chores when I was home. It can be rather fun to watch a nude girl cleaning the house. Bending over to pick up things from the floor with the right angle made it all the more enjoyable. A couple of them would give me special attention cleaning me in the shower with a hand job or a blow job added in. They never fucked me as that was not their role but being nude and doing a hand job was considered okay by the company.

The next two weeks were busy. With work most of the time my free time was limited. We were working on a new manufacturing process that I had to explain to the South Korea contingent. I only called Robin and Olivia to check up on them. Robin had been asked out by a guy she had been flirting with and they went on their first date. I asked if Olivia needed watching but she was going over to Julie’s for a sleep over so there was no need.

I finally slowed down and due to the extra work was given an extra couple of days off allowing me to have a four-day weekend. It was getting towards the end of July and I thought it would be nice to visit my sister. While we lived fairly close, it still was nice to stay there. So, I packed for a long weekend.

Robin welcomed me as usual. We spent a while getting caught up and then she had to go do a little shopping. I offered to go with her but she said she would be fine. She told me to relax. Olivia was out with friends shopping so the house was quiet.

I thought about that red light. So, I decided to do a little investigating. I went to the spare room and looked around the vent. I did not see anything. I got Robin’s step ladder and climbed up to get a closer look. Still nothing that looked like a light. So, I went upstairs and measured off where the vent was located. I did not see the vent because there was a closet at that location. I started to head back down stairs but then thought maybe I should look in the closet.

The closet had a light so I turned it on and moved the things hanging up out of the way and noticed the grid of the vent. I got on my knee and looked through the vent and you could clearly see the desk in the spare room. Then I noticed that a couple of the louvers were a little further apart. Nothing that should be noticeable from the spare room. I snooped around a little more and found a pillow leaning against the side wall.

I was still puzzling over it all when I heard someone walking up the steps. I crawled out of the closet as Olivia was reaching the top of the stairs. I started to say something but then I saw the panic on her face. I put the clothes back in order. Then I turned to her, frozen and staring at me. I spoke to her, “Olivia, what do you know about the red light?”

She stammered and stopped. She started crying, “I am sorry. I just could not help myself. I will delete the files. Please don’t tell mom.”

I still was not exactly sure what was going on. I think I was being dense. “Olivia, what files?”

“The video I made watching you.”

“Bring them here.” She went to her room and returned with a video camera. “When dad left he gave me his video camera. The files are on the camera.”

I told her to come to the spare room with me. I had the cables to connect it to my monitor. She reluctantly followed. When I got there, I hooked up the video output to my monitor and found the files to play. I picked the latest one to play. What I saw shocked me, not by what was seen, but the fact my niece had filmed me. The vent louvers blocked some of the view but that little space allowed the lens to zoom in and capture me masturbating at the desk where I put my computer. She had watched me masturbate three times. Olivia sat on the bed with her head down. I was stunned.

“Olivia, why?” She was barely able to speak. In a soft, fearful voice she said, “I am sorry. I was just curious about boys and one night I heard you making noise. I knew you could look into the room from the closet and I went up there and when I looked through I saw you, um, masturbating. I just could not stop watching and stayed there until you went to bed. Then the next time you were here I thought about the camera and when you went to bed I took it with me. I was surprised and excited to see you playing with your, your thing. I just about could not sleep that night thinking about it.” She stopped. She looked at me and dropped her head.

“Well, tell me the rest.”

“There’s not much more to tell. I did the same thing two more times so the video would be better. But the light was never good enough to see well.”

“What did you do with the video?”

“I watched it on the view screen.” She looked up and pleaded, “please don’t tell mom. I will do anything to make this up to you. Please?”

“I don’t know what to do. You should not have made videos.”

“I know. I just...I was curious.”

“I am going to think about this and will let you know my decision. And, I am keeping the camera.”

Olivia went to her room and stayed there until her mom called her down to dinner. Dinner was very subdued. Olivia just about cried every time I said something. Her mom asked her what was wrong and she said it was that time of month. I knew better.

At least now I knew what caused those little red lights. And, I had the camera. And Olivia was willing to do anything to keep her mother in the dark. I had a lot to ponder. And ponder I did.

What should I do about Olivia’s film escapades? It had to be something that would stop further intrusions. Something that was equal or worse than what she had done. The more I thought the more my thoughts turned to those naked girls running around playing by the pool. Olivia did not know I had watched her and the other girls skinny dipping.

A plan started forming; a plan that would be fun for me. I could implement it the next time I went over to swim in the pool. The next time would be soon.

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